in the workshop
Separating Hype From Fact About Sanitizing and Disinfecting
Mar 11, 2020

Most of us have formed an opinion on COVID 19 (the Coronavirus). My job is not to offer an opinion on what is happening, add to panic or disinformation. My job is to make soap, and skincare, and today, make sanitizer. We feel it is important to share why those of us at duross & langel personally feel the need to use sanitizer, and why we mitigate our contact with certain members of our community. We hope you will find this helpful.
As a 57 year old man in perfect health, I do not worry about contracting COVID 19. Though none of us likes to be sick, the mortality rate for someone like me, with no underlying or pre-existing conditions is very low. I will feel shitty for a few days, take my Mucinex and Aspirin, drink plenty of fluids and sleep. There are always possibilities that I could worsen, but my understanding of percentages tells me I would more likely die in a car driving to the airport on I-95. But that's me. What about the people we love?
Allison, Sarah and I were discussing this yesterday. Our friends in their 70's and 80's are the ones we worry about. Also, our extended families in their 50's and 60's with serious conditions. These are the reasons we work to stay well, wash our hands often, use hand sanitizers and sprays, and wipe surfaces with disinfectant wipes. Our job is to mitigate the spread of the disease. In other words, we act to stay well in the hopes that even if we do contact the virus, we won't spread it.
Though this chart comes from the CDC in China, it is a good (if not complete) picture of why it is believed we should mitigate the spread of the disease. If only for those most at risk.

These are good steps to follow every cold and flu season. The Coronavirus is just one more reason to be aware. Without panic, we will weather this storm. Business may slow, measures may be taken by local government, we will continue to operate with the best intentions. The fear, as I understand it, is that by not mitigating the disease, we might overwhelm the healthcare system all at one. Ask yourself "what if?" What if we all got sick at once and there was not enough ventilators? Or hospital beds? What if our healthcare workers became ill and most could not work for a week or two or more? Mitigation is about not stressing the system, so that when people do get sick, the system still works. Right now, how we move through the world has to be more intentional for the good of others and society as a whole.
A little thoughtfulness and awareness is what we believe is required. Every morning we wipe down surfaces and things you touch with bleach, isopropyl alcohol or soap and water. We begin the day knowing that everything is fresh and clean. We keep hand sanitizer available for you to use after each sale is complete. We also recommend you use our sniffers rather than putting anything in the store up against your nose (Good for you. Good for others). This link from Consumer Reports explains why you should think twice before attempting to make your own supplies but if you do, please check out the World Health Organization's website for the best, most effective recipes. Also, please remember to sign up for our email list at the bottom right area on the first page of the D+L website so that you are always up to speed with our online savings events. While we love to see you in the store, if you are anything like me, sometimes it's just easier to have things delivered to work or home.
As always, we wish you good health and prosperity. If you get stressed, check out our stress relieving self care, take a long, hot bath or find a way to ease your anxiety. My plan is to stay off social media except to post pictures and videos on the D+L pages. Cheers!
Steve Duross