this day, thanksgiving day, is our last day away from the store until christmas. the small price we pay for living in a world of our own creation. not bad considering.
this has been an exceptional year for us. the first year in quite a few that i am truly thankful for everyone who works in the house. this year we pulled together as a team and worked for the common good. everyone keenly aware that for our business to thrive, for the good of one another, we work for the common good.
i give everything i have to this business because i love my daily work. it is not nor has ever been about legacy, press or notoriety. money is a wonderful energy to receive and spend, but it offers no real joy. only opportunity. for me, at the end of each day, there are only the people who inhabit my life and the daily work itself. i live to work. duross & langel has given me the life i dreamed about as a child.
as you can see from this year’s pictures, the addition of our shop dog angus (#angustheshopdog) has been a blessing for us all. even on the most frustrating or stress filled days, a little love from this guy and everything feels a bit better. if you come by the store or salon, you’ll become acquainted with angus very soon.
and so on this day, this national day of thanksgiving, i share my daily dose of gratitude for all that i have and all i have to share. for the people who love me and for the people who love what i do. for the opportunity to work at what brings me joy, and for that work to sustain and support so many, not the least of which is me.
i wish you joy in the coming days and weeks, a hope for a brighter future, and for the demise of the hateful things that continue to grow in our culture. i believe that love and hope and sharing life’s opportunities will change the world for the better. that it begins with the power of intention and is fueled by kindness and gratitude. #makeamericakindagain is our motto for the next year. we hope you will interface with our social media and connect with this ideal.
warmest regards for the season.
steve duross